Summer Travel „Boom“ Predicted in 2021
Following the rebound after harsh COVID-19 times, global aircraft charter provider Air Charter Service (ACS) is predicting a boom in summer travel in the private jet division. Their latest forecasts say that a 20% year-on-year increase from 2020 between June and August 2021 can be expected.
The majority of customers prepare for summer travel but won´t commit until the situation becomes clearer, resulting in only a 22% increase in booking figures in March compared with February. However, new inquiries increased up to 80%, signaling strong potential demand for summer.
CEO of ACS stated: “What we are hearing from customers is that the lingering fear of coronavirus infection, along with the inevitable delays at airports, is driving this surge in interest. Travelers do not feel confident that flying by scheduled service will be a smooth process, as the Covid-19-related travel requirements at airports will cause delays and additional stress.”
In conclusion, customer feedback and optimistic number predictions confirm the importance of private travel position across the aviation industry.