Registration: | OE-IPM |
Serial Number: | 72057 |
Entry Into Service: | 2020 |
Total Time Since New: | 223 hrs |
Total Landings Since New: | 100 |
Maintenance Tracking: | CMP |
Certification: | EASA EU OPS |
Model: | Pratt & Whitney Canada PW814GA |
Total Time Since New: | LEFT: 223 hrs RIGHT: 223 hrs |
Total Cycles Since New: | LEFT: 100 RIGHT: 100 |
Program Coverage: | JSSI |
Model: | Honeywell HGT400 |
Total Time Since New: | 311 |
Program Coverage: | JSSI |
Number of Passengers: | 14 |
Galley Location: | Forward |
Crew Rest: | No |
Forward Cabin Configuration: | Four (4) Single Seats |
Mid Cabin Configuration: | Four (4) Place Conference Group opposing Credenza |
Aft Cabin Configuration: | Double Three (3) Place Divans |
Lavatory Locations: | Forward and Aft |
Espresso machine: | Yes |
Security System: | External Camera System |
In Flight Phone: | Gogo Iridium STS |
Apple TV: | Yes |
DISPLAY/TV MONITORS: | 24-inch and 32-inch HD LCD |
XM Weather: | Yes |
Weather Radar: | Yes |
FANS-1/A: | Yes |
Custom painting: | Pearl exterior |
HUD (Heads Up Display): | Yes |
FMS (Flight Management System): | NextGen FMS |
GPS (Global Positioning System): | Yes |
ELT (Emergency Location Transmitter): | Artex ELT with triple frequency |
SATCOM (Satellite Communications): | Honeywell Inmarsat Satellite Communications System |
EVS (Enhanced Vision System): | Yes |
IRS (Inertial Reference System): | LASEREF VI |
Lightning Sensor System: | Yes |
Other Features: | ASC 011 – Situational Awareness Package |